Friday, February 04, 2005
Bomb Shelters, Part III
The Federal Emergency Management Agency published detailed bomb shelter plans in 1983 - Home Blast Shelter.
If you are facing a nuclear attack within 48 hours and need a bomb shelter FAST, Cresson H. Kearny wrote Nuclear War Survival Skills in 1987, a great reference guide on nuclear preparedness with instructions for six expedient bomb shelters. Chapters include Psychological Preparations (#2), Warnings and Communications (#3), Ventilation and Cooling of Shelters (#6), Protection Against Fires and Carbon Monoxide (#7), Water (#8), Food (#9), and Surviving Without Doctors (#13). Sorry for that last one, Bean.
If you have the time and money, bomb shelters can be built for you by a variety of vendors. I especially like the beautiful modern bomb shelters that are available from Radius Defense at prices between $25,000 (for the six-person SP6) to $186,400 (for the 25-person CAT25).
The same bomb shelters are available from Alpine Survival Group at a markup. I include their link because they have some really nice interior and exterior pictures. These guys sell gas masks and rifles too, among other goodies.
This is the last part of my series on bomb shelters. Is anybody out there? Anyone at all?
Back to Part I
Back to Part II