Friday, February 04, 2005
Meet Joe Ohio
James Lileks is doing something very interesting this year. He has long been a fan and collector of Americana from the 50s, 60s and 70s. His website overflows with pictures scanned from old cookbooks, comic books, magazines, and much else. He also collects matchbooks and has a part of his site devoted to them.
Recently, he bought a whole collection of matchbooks from a man who lived and traveled in Ohio in the 50s and 60s. He knows nothing about this man. After tossing the matchbooks that were in bad shape he was still left with over 200. What he has decided to do with them is oddly addicting. He has scanned them all and alphabetized them. Then, starting about a month ago, he began writing an entirely fictional story of Joe Ohio, with each daily episode (M-F) constructed around the next matchbook. Unlike much of his other writing, there’s no attempt at humor; he’s just telling a story and building a character. I’m finding it very compelling. Check it out.