Sunday, January 30, 2005
A New Day Dawns in Iraq

Iraqis queuing to vote at a polling station in the centre of Az Zubayr, Southern Iraq. (AP photo)
All around the country, Iraqis defied threats of violence and cast their votes. Iraq's Independent Electoral Commission initially estimated that 72 percent of the country's eligible voters had turned out to cast their ballots but an official later said an estimated eight million Iraqis - or 60 percent of eligible voters - turned out to vote.Obviously the next few months will be fraught with danger, and we are a long way away from resting on our laurels in Iraq. Nevertheless, who is willing to tell these women and men -- standing in line for hours, some carrying their older relatives -- who is willing to tell them that American sacrifices to bring them to this day were not worth it, since we've found no WMD? Who can face this woman -- proudly displaying her ink-stained finger proving that she has cast a ballot, tears in her eyes, her card reading "Elect Iraq" -- and tell her that self-determination is just for us, not for you?