Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Time flies
Since we're on the liberal media topic...
Received the first issue of my complimentary six-month subscription to Time magazine yesterday. Cover story: "How soon can we get out"? Meaning, of course, from Iraq. Which leads to a few other questions:
1.) When we do get out, how far between our legs can our tail get?
2.) How big a victory can we give Islamic terrorists?
3.) How many of said terrorists can we let into our country?
4.) May we wipe their bottoms while we're at it?
5.) How soon can we abandon those for whom we are there only chance of an existence even remotely resembling one of freedom?
6.) Can we silkscreen the cover of this issue of Time onto our white flags?
Do feel free to add your own.
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I just read an article in Newsweek (on dead-trees, not online). It was about the threat from Iran, a favorite topic of mine. They outright called the situation in Iraq a debacle without any qualifications. I thought, "Come on, there are some reasonable opinions on the other side". And they said that Iran has always been the graver threat and while we have been wasting time and distracted by Iraq, Iran is building nukes. What a joke! I don't exactly remember Newsweek screaming "NO, INVADE IRAN INSTEAD" before the Iraq war. And are they saying that with armor, personel and air bases in neighboring Iraq we're now LESS able to handle a military contingency with Iran than before we invated? No. What they're saying is "We hate Bush. You should too." And as you quote in your earlier post "Are you against the war now? How about now?"
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