Thursday, February 03, 2005
Happy Days are here again
Just watched the Happy Days 30th Anniversary reunion extravaganza. Thought they were good sports to include a nod to "jumping the shark" - don't think they quite got the idea of what it means but, hey, that phrase has jumped the shark anyway.
I didn't remember the late episodes where Ritchie grew his hair out, sported a 'stache and punched out Fonzie in a bar.
I now have a nearly uncontrollable urge to buy the entire series on DVD, if it's out. I won't succumb, but I have to admit the urge is there.
On a related note, I once saw Henry Winkler in the food court of my office park. I was getting onto the elevator and saw him from afar. I asked a guy in the elevator if he saw The Fonz. "Huh?" he asked. "You know, Henry Winkler? Happy Days? Aaaaayyyy," of course I did the ol' thumbs up on the last one.
The dude looked me in the eye, and sincerely as heck, said, "I don't think I'm old enough to know what you're talking about."
He was old enough to get thrown through the plate-glass window that made up the back of the elevator, I'll tell you that.