Monday, March 27, 2006
Adventure City
My in-laws took us to Adventure City yesterday. It's a small theme park in Anaheim, not to be confused with some of the bigger ones in that city. It was just right for the kids.
But that's not what I really want to write about. There are many odd things in this world that I wouldn't do myself, but at least I get it. Bungee jumping, for example. Then there are others that I admit, I just don't get. Tongue piercing, for example. And then there's what I saw yesterday at Adventure City.
There was an eight-year-old boy (I know his age because I heard him mention it) who was slightly developmentally disabled (I base this diagnosis, which I am in no way qualified to make, on hearing him speak and seeing him walk). This boy had an 80s-punk-style mohawk - sides of his head shaved, mohawk hair gelled to stick straight out, about half a foot high. The rest of the people he was with (seems he was a guest at a family birthday party) were in no way punked out (though some adults sported a tattoo or two).
But wait, there's more. He was also wearing, over his sleeveless shirt, a denim vest with a huge swastika on the back. The swastika had a faint "anti" slash through it, and I'm willing to bet he was against nazism, but that wasn't the first thing you noticed when you saw it. You saw the swastika, real big-like. Again, the group he was with seemed to be of mixed ethnicity, so probably not an Aryan Nation group (although Orange County, CA, is known to have one or two of those).
Above the swastika was the slogan "fighting samoans" - really odd considering that neither the boy nor anyone he was with looked the slightest bit samoan.
I could not make heads or tails of this little boy or of the people that let him appear in public like he did.
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It takes all kinds. It even takes developmentally disabled anti-Nazi fighting samoan fans punk rockers.
I don't know what those parents were thinking, but then I see little girls every day -- and teenagers too -- wearing outfits that would have gotten them arrested for indecent exposure in the past. I try to buy clothes for my kids -- teens -- and find that just buying something that doesn't have something suggestive spray-painted across the front, and that doesn't leave expanses of skin exposed, is almost impossible. Maybe the parents of the kid you saw just couldn't find anything else in the shops.....They probably hit K-Mart the day they were having a special on neo-Nazi shirts.
We have a park like that here in Wisconsin, albeit without the punk antinazi developmentally disabled samoan ride.
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