Thursday, February 02, 2006
Geek time
Something for the geeks:
Icy Ball Is Larger Than Pluto. So, Is It a Planet?
Of course, since this story is in the New York Times, there is the obligatory speculation that the Bush adminstration will cause the ice ball to melt due to global warming.
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Here's the story from FoxNews which doesn't need registration. It's interesting. This tenth body also has a moon. I'd like to name the moon Thatcher.
Oh, never mind. Looks like they already have names:
Among themselves, Brown, Trujillo and Rabinowitz have referred to the main body as "Xena," after the sword-wielding syndicated TV warrior princess. The moon naturally has been called "Gabrielle," after the TV Xena's trusty sidekick.
I think I like these astronomers.
Among themselves, Brown, Trujillo and Rabinowitz have referred to the main body as "Xena," after the sword-wielding syndicated TV warrior princess. The moon naturally has been called "Gabrielle," after the TV Xena's trusty sidekick.
I think I like these astronomers.
I keep coming back and finding that no one is in the coffee house. Sigh. I guess you guys have work, families, real lives. Sigh. I'm going to have a cup of coffee without you.
Ms. Katz: It's been 5 days without a post, which must be a new low for us. I can't speak for the other Coffeehousers, but I've been feeling particularly unmotivated to post. Don't know why. Got nothin' to say, I suppose.
I'm working on a sci-fi short story, but don't hold your breath; it'll take me a few weeks. Perhaps the posting muse will inspire me again...
I'm working on a sci-fi short story, but don't hold your breath; it'll take me a few weeks. Perhaps the posting muse will inspire me again...
I read an article in Time on this. There's lots of junk orbiting our sun - what's a planet and what isn't is one of those arbitrary things like what's a continent and what isn't.
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