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Friday, February 25, 2005
Charles Krauthammer: Grownup Israel is headed for peace
Charles Krauthammer: Grownup Israel is headed for peace

"The Israeli right has grown up and given up the false dream of Greater Israel encompassing the Palestinian territories. And the Israeli left has grown up, too, understanding that you don't trust your children to the word of an enemy bent on your destruction. Sharon, unlike Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres, who bargained land for a piece of paper, is giving up land for a stable defensive line."
Great article. I really think when all the screaming and anti-Israel hysteria dies down, Sharon will be remembered by history as a master statesman. Carter gets too much credit for the Egypt/Israel peace. He had little to do with it. It was Sadat that rose to the occasion and risked his life, and eventually gave his life, to make peace. Sharon will be remembered as the one who finally made it clear to the Palestinians that Israel isn't going anywhere and that their fantasy of having the entire land is delusional, while at the same time convincing his own party that the Palestinians aren't going anywhere and that their fantasy of having the entire land is also delusional. I really think he is a very smart leader in a very dangerous time.
He's a pragmatist. There are idealists, who are good for the times of peace, but pragmatists are good for wartime. Let's hope that what Sharon is doing doesn't backfire.
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