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Miscellaneous thoughts and ramblings
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
The Coffeehhouse Turns One Third
Four months ago a handful of friends set out to create the journal of record for conservative opinion, personal reflections, social commentary, and household cleanser ratings. We have blown off work, annoyed our spouses, lost some sleep, and ignored our kids, which is exactly why we wanted to start this in the first place.

So pull up a chair, mark us as a favorite, and come back a few times a week. If you start commenting regularly now, in a year, when we're famous, you'll be able to say "I remember when most threads just had me and Irina".

Oh, and bring your own coffee. We're still working on making it pour out of your USB port.
For now, you can at least use your USB port to warm your coffee.
It's all right. At this point, even a cappuccino would suffice... (*Yawn*) Great work! Keep it up! : )
Irina: Thanks!
Mrs. Nomad is Irish. It occurs to me that many Irish pronounce their "th"s as "t"s. Thus, in Dublin, a local might read the title of this post as:

"Da Coffeehouse Turns One Turd"

For what that's worth.
Happy Birthday, now how about some cake.
Hi Jack!

Thanks. Like me, you're always thinking about the food.
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