Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Nomad's Notes of the Day
Can we dump the word “basketbrawl” from the media lexicon? It’s just silly.
Are we still talking about Scott Peterson? At least OJ was famous.
The World Series of Poker, and tournament poker in general is some of the most entertaining television that’s come around in a while. With the airwaves inundated with “reality” shows that are really “unreality” shows based on producer-contrived accumulations of personality types, it’s great to see a good old-fashioned game of chance reveal such interesting stuff about the participants.
With the pending release of the Return of the King Extended Version DVD, I’d just like to reiterate that Liv Tyler is the hottest elf ever to walk Middle Earth.
Hats off to the UCLA Bruins for fighting the good fight against hated cross-town rivals USC. Expected to be sacrificial lambs to the number one team in the country, UCLA had possession with a chance to drive for the winning TD in the waning minutes of the game. Go Bruins!
I own no orange clothing. With Mrs. Nomad hailing from Catholic Ireland, the color’s not a popular one in our house. However, in light of the great things taking place in Ukraine, I’m going to get a shirt.
Drenching rain on California’s Central Coast today. It’s a welcome sight. I love seasons.
Happy Hanukkah!