Sunday, December 05, 2004
Do Your Best

Our son recently joined the Cub Scouts. He is a Webelo. That's the level in scouting for forth and fifth graders. It looks like we'll be doing a lot of fun stuff in the next year or two, and if I think it might be of general interest, I'll post about it occasionally.
The tile of this post is the Cub Scout Motto.
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Come to think of it, it must have been later, in Boy Scouts, because I don't think you were in the States in 4th or 5th grade.
Chewie! If I remember right he was a bearded adult leader who we thought was very cool and taught us a lot of outdoorsy stuff. (Let me know if I've got it all screwed up.) There was also the Scoutmaster's younger chubby son who was our friend and was a cheerful fellow who provided (unintentional) comic relief. Do you remember the kid we called ET?
I wonder what's happenned to all those people. That what we really need: not class reunions, troop reunions.
Ahhh. The pleasures of reminiscing about stuff only two people know anything about! If that doesn't lose us the 3 or 4 readers we've built up, I don't know what will...
I wonder what's happenned to all those people. That what we really need: not class reunions, troop reunions.
Ahhh. The pleasures of reminiscing about stuff only two people know anything about! If that doesn't lose us the 3 or 4 readers we've built up, I don't know what will...
Chuck was the older drill-seargenty son. Patrick was the chubby younger one.
The kid we called ET was named Eric, but I can't remember his last name. He had a congenital heart problem that had required open heart surgery at a young age. I hope I'm wrong, but I believe Eric died in his teens.
The kid we called ET was named Eric, but I can't remember his last name. He had a congenital heart problem that had required open heart surgery at a young age. I hope I'm wrong, but I believe Eric died in his teens.
Yeah. :-( unless I'm confusing him with someone else, Eric drowned.
We used to torment Chuck (more like slightly annoy and slightly amuse, since he was older than us) by asking him questions in a way that would have us saying "up Chuck" since we thought that that all slang synonyms of vomit are really funny. Actually, I still believe that to be the case. So we would walk past him and say:
"What's up, Chuck?"
"Do you have a ride to the meeting, or do you want me to pick you up, Chuck?"
"You look sad. How can I cheer you up, Chuck?"
Then we would giggle. Ahhhh. Life was goooood!
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We used to torment Chuck (more like slightly annoy and slightly amuse, since he was older than us) by asking him questions in a way that would have us saying "up Chuck" since we thought that that all slang synonyms of vomit are really funny. Actually, I still believe that to be the case. So we would walk past him and say:
"What's up, Chuck?"
"Do you have a ride to the meeting, or do you want me to pick you up, Chuck?"
"You look sad. How can I cheer you up, Chuck?"
Then we would giggle. Ahhhh. Life was goooood!
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