Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Thanksgiving Conversation
Spent a significant portion of Thanksgiving night engaged in conversation with an 80 year old Jewish lady from Marina del Rey. She was a Berkeley coffeehouse (not to be confused with Kerckhoff Coffeehouse) liberal who was only a few wrinkles away from poetry readings on Shattuck. She had an interesting family history, with her parents (separately) escaping the pogroms in Russia and Poland as teenagers, and finding their way to the US.
When I told her I went to UCLA, she asked me if I'd ever been to the Wiesenthal Center. Showing my ignorance, I revealed that I didn't know it was in Los Angeles. When I told her that I'd been to Yad Vashem, she surprised me by saying, "what's that?" I thought that was strange. Maybe it was the wine.