Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Well, welcome to December folks. I love this time of year. Took some stuff up to the curb for the Salvation Army last night, and felt the winter in the air for the first time. A heavy humidity, in the early stages of considering a morning frost. Took some deep envigorating breaths and shivered my way back inside.
Seems I've been absent the past couple of weeks. First, there was Vegas. But, since returning, I've been immersed in writing copy for the website. I'm pretty much an A.D.D. guy, so when I'm writing for one spot, I don't really have the ability to switch gears and write for another, without grinding the clutch and ending up in the shop. Hence, the silence from Northern California.
As I finish writing copy over the next few days, I should be able to renew my contributions to Kerckhoff.