Wednesday, December 08, 2004
I received a message (sent to all alumni on the list) from an educational institution in Jerusalem I attended a few years back. The message was one of condolence for a former student who had "died in his sleep." Nothing more about the death itself was mentioned, and I didn't know the guy, and assumed he had been ill - the message didn't make it sound like it was sudden. I thought it kind of rude and pointless to reply asking about it.
Then this morning I read this article. Seems the man, Jason Korsower, died unexpectedly in his sleep, and now the FBI is investigating. The first paragraph says it all:
The FBI is investigating the mysterious death of a young American Jewish terrorism expert who worked at a think tank where research into Islamic extremism has drawn death threats, family and friends said.
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Wow. I just read the article. I've know about the Investigative Project for a few years. They've been compiling information that Mosques and Islamic charities have been fronts for terrorism for years, and the government has ignored them until 9/11.
I hope his death is unrelated.
May God comfort his family and may his memory be a blessing to those who knew him.
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I hope his death is unrelated.
May God comfort his family and may his memory be a blessing to those who knew him.
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