Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Best of Franken?
Scroll down a ways in this article for the list of Grammy nominees, then a little more to nominees for best comedy album. Oh, I'll spare you the trouble:
'Come Poop With Me,' Triumph The Insult Comic Dog; 'The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Presents ... America: A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction,' Jon Stewart and The Cast of the Daily Show; 'The Funny Thing Is ... ,' Ellen DeGeneres; 'Live at Carnegie Hall,' David Sedaris; 'The O'Franken Factor Factor-- The Very Best of the O'Franken Factor,' Al Franken.
Best of the O'Franken Factor???? Has this program even been on the air for a year? You can already have a best of?
Maybe this is for folks - most of America - who can't get Air America on the dial. Sort of like how I watch all those cool shows on HBO, by renting them when they're released to DVD...
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Best of Kerckhoff Coffeehouse:
Cream of Broccoli soup in a "boule" and an Iced Cappuccino Royale with whipped cream. Especially good on a fall evening with an O-Chem book and Marcus playing guitar on the small stage in the corner.
Cream of Broccoli soup in a "boule" and an Iced Cappuccino Royale with whipped cream. Especially good on a fall evening with an O-Chem book and Marcus playing guitar on the small stage in the corner.
So right on the boule-n-royale combo.
Worst of KC: Open Mic poetry night and you can't leave cause you're working the ice cream counter (actually happened; I considered crawling into the ice cream storage cabinet in order to freeze to death).
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Worst of KC: Open Mic poetry night and you can't leave cause you're working the ice cream counter (actually happened; I considered crawling into the ice cream storage cabinet in order to freeze to death).
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