Wednesday, November 03, 2004
That's me. See, our company has this cloying diversity initiative. It's actually quite a big deal. And it makes me sick. Here's a cute tidbit from our literature:
How Can You Demonstrate Diversity?
- Enroll in a group language class and practice a language other than your native language.
- Read one book per month written from the perspective of someone from a racial identity group other than your own.
- Intitiate a personal relationship with someone from a different identity group.
Now, that first one I can get behind. But the second two are hooey. The last one is, frankly, offensive: Make friends with someone not because he's a good person, but just because his skin is a particular color! Anyway, you get the picture.
Well, I was a victim of anti-diversity bias today at work. I'm not kidding. A comment was made, a few consenting quips followed, and I'm telling you I was shaken up. Heart beating fast. About this close to speaking up, letting them know that not everyone is like them, but I knew it could damage my working relationship and possibly interfere with my career here at some point. So I kept my mouth shut, and felt like I was compromising my integrity. I know I'm a wuss, but I actually had to excuse myself and go get some water.
As I'm sure you've guessed by now, the comment was anti-Republican. Earlier in the day, people had mentioned they were depressed because of the election. That's fine. But in this meeting, the boss asked if there was anyone who had a problem with a particular action item. Someone said, "I have a problem, but not with that." Her point was unclear, so the boss asked, genuinely concerned, "What is it that you have a problem with?" "Bush," came the answer, with a little follow-up I missed. Others chimed in, commiserating, and someone said that we could at least take solace that our state hadn't supported him. Typing this out, it seems lame to complain. But I was just so taken aback at the audacity - isn't assuming everyone is the same as you - in this case (the most important case, in my opinion), the same in thought - the very antithesis of this diversity movement?
So, how does any of this make me a hypocrite? After the meeting, I made a beeline to our "diversity website" to log an anonymous complaint. Turns out that capability isn't available, but still... So, now I'm thinking about either sending an anonymous note to the head of the diversity thing, talking to my manager, or just addressing the group civilly and, after explaining the importance of diversity, outing myself. Truth is I'll probably do nothing other than this blog.
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Ralphie: Definitely do NOT out yourself at work. Nothing good will come of that. If you want to complain anonymously, go ahead, but you have to understand that we're Martians to them, and complaining that "you're not being thoughtfule of the Martian's feelings" won't get you any sympathy. It may just make them wonder "Who's the closet Martian that's complaining?" You can out yourself when you have enough work-place security/authority that the others' opinion of you don't matter, till then, it's important that they like you.
You should have said something amusing and non-threatening to draw attention to the guy's silliness. Now that the moment has passed, you risk looking over-sensitive at best and a troublemaker at worst if you react to it. I encourage you to ignore this guy. Playing the victim is a liberal game that's beneath you and acting with anonymity is spineless and also beneath you. Remember, Bush won and it's killing him. That should make you merry.
You should have made an amusing comment at the time to draw attention to the guy's silliness. Now that the moment has passed, you'll seem over-sensitive at best and a troublemaker at worst if you react to it. I recommend you ignore it, as frustrating as that may be. Playing the victim is a liberal game, for heaven's sake. Very distasteful. And acting anonymously is kinda spineless. Remember, Bush won and it's killing that guy. Draw comfort from that.
Boy, I look dumb. When the first comment did not appear right away, I re-wrote and re-sent it. I'd delete one if I knew how.
Ralphie: I think I can help.
Enroll in a group language class and practice a language other than your native language.OK. How about this?
Read one book per month written from the perspective of someone from a racial identity group other than your own.I see. Read a book to try to identify with a member of another group, because understanding and tollerance is good. I got a perfect one.
Intitiate a personal relationship with someone from a different identity group.That sounds really warm and fuzzy.
Enroll in a group language class and practice a language other than your native language.OK. How about this?
Read one book per month written from the perspective of someone from a racial identity group other than your own.I see. Read a book to try to identify with a member of another group, because understanding and tollerance is good. I got a perfect one.
Intitiate a personal relationship with someone from a different identity group.That sounds really warm and fuzzy.
Okay, first of all, it was a chick. And I'm not gonna say anything, so don't worry. And I can see that she and a lot of other people are in pain, even if it's their own fault because instead of disagreeing with the man they demonize him. Guess it just grates on me.
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