Sunday, November 20, 2005
What the-?
Okay, I realize this just makes me sound old - ok, it makes me old - but I just saw a commercial for a video game called "Call of Duty 2" (no, i will not link to it) and it looks like the worst thing ever.
Seems it's WWII, you're a US soldier in a tank shooting at stuff. Then you get hit and a Nazi tears the top off the tank. You shoot him and then poke your head out and start shooting anything you can. Yes, you're the good guy, but it's hyper-realistic with people shouting all over the place, screaming in pain, things are blowing up...
It's just wrong. And I'm just old.
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Shavua tov. [Good week.] You're up late.
I think Psychotoddler (or his kids) have that game. He posted about it here. Perhaps he can elaborate.
By the way, if anyone knows how to write a link that automatically opens in a new window without having to do the right-click-open-in-a-new-window thing, that would be a skill I would dig learning.
I think Psychotoddler (or his kids) have that game. He posted about it here. Perhaps he can elaborate.
By the way, if anyone knows how to write a link that automatically opens in a new window without having to do the right-click-open-in-a-new-window thing, that would be a skill I would dig learning.
Bean - I don't think its possible to do so from within a comment, but it should work from a regular post. See here for an explanation. I tried it from within a comment, and it said that it was an unacceptable html attribute (or something like that). I think that's why it says above the box where you type your comment that "you can use some HTML tags..."
On another note, and sorry to hijack the thread, Ralphie, do y'all know a way to set up the template so that new comments are emailed to all contributors and not just one?
And is there any way for me to be informed that someone responded to a comment I left on someone else's blog (like here) without me having to keep checking?
Thanks Ralphie - and I hope your rat problems have been solved!
And is there any way for me to be informed that someone responded to a comment I left on someone else's blog (like here) without me having to keep checking?
Thanks Ralphie - and I hope your rat problems have been solved!
"way to set up the template so that new comments are emailed to all contributors and not just one?"
No. The Coffehousers struggled mightily with this issue. The box takes only one email address. You can email it to an automatic list server (a mail box that automatically forwards everything to a specific list of email adresses, but i have no idea how to create one of those) or one of you could forward everthing to the rest of the group. We tried both solutions for a while and finally got tired of getting the comments in our inbox and now don't have comments emailed anymore. So anyone commenting on an old thread gets ignored.
"And is there any way for me to be informed that someone responded to a comment I left on someone else's blog (like here) without me having to keep checking?" No simple way. Some blogs have "feeds" that you can subsribe to but then you'll get everything new on that blog, not just the thread you care about.
No. The Coffehousers struggled mightily with this issue. The box takes only one email address. You can email it to an automatic list server (a mail box that automatically forwards everything to a specific list of email adresses, but i have no idea how to create one of those) or one of you could forward everthing to the rest of the group. We tried both solutions for a while and finally got tired of getting the comments in our inbox and now don't have comments emailed anymore. So anyone commenting on an old thread gets ignored.
"And is there any way for me to be informed that someone responded to a comment I left on someone else's blog (like here) without me having to keep checking?" No simple way. Some blogs have "feeds" that you can subsribe to but then you'll get everything new on that blog, not just the thread you care about.
My kids play Call of Duty. It's not bad. If you like to play games where you shoot things. Like cowboys and indians, cops and robbers, paintball, laser tag, etc. If you have a problem with those types of games, you will have a problem with computer games where you shoot people.
I don't want to jack the thread here either. You can look at all kinds of studies about whether video games make kids violent. All I can say is, I get to observe lots of kids, both in and out of my house. And my kids, as well as the others who have this "outlet" of gaming, are the most calm and refined of the bunch.
It's the ones whose parents have banned gaming that are always bouncing off the walls.
I also played a little of Call of Duty myself (I prefer games where you get to drive cars that I will never be able to afford). I found it to be a harrowing, intense depiction of WW2 combat, on par with the opening scenes of Saving Private Ryan. I had to advance through a series of hedgerows towards a French cottage at night, after arriving via glider. All this as bullets are whizzing past my head and snipers and trying to shoot me and my squadmates from the upper floor windows. At one point I hid behind a cow!
This is the kind of stuff we played as kids with toy guns and army helmets. Now kids can play it on the computer.
It all boils down to knowing your kids and knowing what they are doing. If you feel comfortable as a parent that you can supervise them adequately, then fine.
Keeps them off the street.
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I don't want to jack the thread here either. You can look at all kinds of studies about whether video games make kids violent. All I can say is, I get to observe lots of kids, both in and out of my house. And my kids, as well as the others who have this "outlet" of gaming, are the most calm and refined of the bunch.
It's the ones whose parents have banned gaming that are always bouncing off the walls.
I also played a little of Call of Duty myself (I prefer games where you get to drive cars that I will never be able to afford). I found it to be a harrowing, intense depiction of WW2 combat, on par with the opening scenes of Saving Private Ryan. I had to advance through a series of hedgerows towards a French cottage at night, after arriving via glider. All this as bullets are whizzing past my head and snipers and trying to shoot me and my squadmates from the upper floor windows. At one point I hid behind a cow!
This is the kind of stuff we played as kids with toy guns and army helmets. Now kids can play it on the computer.
It all boils down to knowing your kids and knowing what they are doing. If you feel comfortable as a parent that you can supervise them adequately, then fine.
Keeps them off the street.
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