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Saturday, March 19, 2005
Complete Detachment
Yahoo! News - Activists Protest Iraq War on Anniversary

Have these people missed the past couple months? The millions of brave Iraqis risking their lives to vote, the steady drumbeat of news about positive changes for freedom and democracy throughout the region?

The litany of dogmatic observances borders on mental illness:


"This is a war of aggression," said Ed McManus, 54, a Marin County resident who served in the Navy during the Vietnam War. "Bush has admitted by his actions and his deeds that he is a war criminal."


"The best thing we can do is get out, and get out as fast as we can," said Ron Betts, 58, a disabled Vietnam veteran.


"I think people realize the tide is turning" and that to protest isn't seen as unpatriotic.


About 300 demonstrators also gathered in front of the New Mexico National Guard Armory in Albuquerque, some holding signs saying, "Bush's lies kill" and "You can't be pro-life and pro-war."


One wonders if these people realize the Red Sox finally won the Series. Or does the "Curse of the Bambino" linger over them like bad weather?

Edited to add the following note from Doc. Bean that was too good to bury in the comments section...

These people are still refighting Vietnam, and they think that they're still protesting against Johnson and Nixon. The good news is that the protest crowds are smaller this year than last and much smaller than 2 years ago before our invasion started.What too frequently goes unsaid is how incredibly well things have gone.

In two years and at the cost of 1,500 American lives, many allied lives, and a gazillion dollars we've achieved the following:

* Saddam Hussein is cooling his mustache in a jail cell awaiting trial. (A corollary of this fact is that Palestinians aren't getting paid to blow up Israelis, and Kuwait isn't looking out over the border to see if Iraqi tanks are rolling their way.)

* As of February 28 only 11 of the 55 most wanted 'deck of cards' bad guys were at large. That's a lot of Baathists dead or in custody.

* Iraq has a democratically elected parliament that is committed to crafting a constitution that gives every Iraqi a voice in Iraq's future. That makes it likely to become [cue extremely dramatic music] the world's first Arab democracy.

* The US has ginormous military bases (which we're not leaving anytime soon, no matter how many protests there are) in Afghanistan and Iraq, two countries that border Iran. Convenient, no?

* Neighboring regimes are understanding that Bush means what he says and that he commands the most able military on the planet. They are also unlearning the Vietnam lesson. They realize that the American public is willing to shoulder great loss and great sacrifice as long as we trust our leader and think that the goals are worth it. Benefits are already accruing in Libya (giving up WMD), Egypt (multi-candidate presidential “elections”), the Palestinian territories (a realization that Israel isn’t going away, and an election for PA President), Israel (heard any major coverage of protests against the security fence recently?) and Beirut.

The world is being transformed. The nutty fringe will never get it.
These people are still refighting Vietnam, and they think that they're still protesting against Johnson and Nixon. The good news is that the protest crowds are smaller this year than last and much smaller than 2 years ago before our invasion started.

What too frequently goes unsaid is how incredibly well things have gone. In two years and at the cost of 1,500 American lives, many allied lives, and a gazillion dollars we've achieved the following:

* Saddam Hussein is cooling his mustache in a jail cell awaiting trial. (A corollary of this fact is that Palestinians aren't getting paid to blow up Israelis, and Kuwait isn't looking out over the border to see if Iraqi tanks are rolling their way.)

* As of February 28 only 11 of the 55 most wanted 'deck of cards' bad guys were at large. That's a lot of Baathists dead or in custody.

* Iraq has a democratically elected parliament that is committed to crafting a constitution that gives every Iraqi a voice in Iraq's future. That makes it likely to become [cue extremely dramatic music] the world's first Arab democracy.

* The US has ginormous military bases (which we're not leaving anytime soon, no matter how many protests there are) in Afghanistan and Iraq, two countries that border Iran. Convenient, no?

* Neighboring regimes are understanding that Bush means what he says and that he commands the most able military on the planet. They are also unlearning the Vietnam lesson. They realize that the American public is willing to shoulder great loss and great sacrifice as long as we trust our leader and think that the goals are worth it. Benefits are already accruing in Libya (giving up WMD), Egypt (multi-candidate presidential “elections”), the Palestinian territories (a realization that Israel isn’t going away, and an election for PA President), Israel (heard any major coverage of protests against the security fence recently?) and Beirut.

The world is being transformed. The nutty fringe will never get it.
rjames: Welcome!

You're right, the Iraqi voter hugging the mom of a fallen American soldier explained the war better than any speech could. I bet W is kicking himself for using the WMD excuse initially... Oh, well.

How's the weather in Texas? Thank you for lending the rest of us George Bush for 8 years. We'll get him back to you safe and sound in 2008. (Thanks also for linking to us!)
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