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Miscellaneous thoughts and ramblings
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Real Alchemy
Q: What do you get when you cross a beam of uranium ions with liquid hydrogen?

A: Almost everything. More specifically, all the elements from uranium to nitrogen (and 1,400 isotopes among them).

Physics News Update 710
Ah! Finally, a way to get gold that's much much more expensive than mining.
You shortsighted fool!

Expensive, yes. But here's what you get:
Nitrogen N
Oxygen O
Fluorine F
Neon Ne
Sodium Na
Magnesium Mg
Aluminium Al
Silicon Si
Phosphorus P
Sulfur S
Chlorine Cl
Argon Ar
Potassium K
Calcium Ca
Scandium Sc
Titanium Ti
Vanadium V
Chromium Cr
Manganese Mn
Iron Fe
Cobalt Co
Nickel Ni
Copper Cu
Zinc Zn
Gallium Ga
Germanium Ge
Arsenic As
Selenium Se
Bromine Br
Krypton Kr
Rubidium Rb
Strontium Sr
Yttrium Y
Zirconium Zr
Niobium Nb
Molybdenum Mo
Technetium Tc
Ruthenium Ru
Rhodium Rh
Palladium Pd
Silver Ag
Cadmium Cd
Indium In
Tin Sn
Antimony Sb
Tellurium Te
Iodine I
Xenon Xe
Cesium Cs
Barium Ba
Lanthanum La
Cerium Ce
Praseodymium Pr
Neodymium Nd
Promethium Pm
Samarium Sm
Europium Eu
Gadolinium Gd
Terbium Tb
Dysprosium Dy
Holmium Ho
Erbium Er
Thulium Tm
Ytterbium Yb
Lutetium Lu
Hafnium Hf
Tantalum Ta
Tungsten W
Rhenium Re
Osmium Os
Iridium Ir
Platinum Pt
Gold Au
Mercury Hg
Thallium Tl
Lead Pb
Bismuth Bi
Polonium Po
Astatine At
Radon Rn
Francium Fr
Radium Ra
Actinium Ac
Thorium Th
Protactinium Pa
Uranium U

You can't put a price tag on that.
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