Sunday, January 16, 2005
It’s Good, Though
Today is even more chaotic than usual in the Bean household. Our 11 month old has her first cold and she’s emotionally quite traumatized by it. Our 3 year old is very irritable today for reasons that remain mysterious. The other two seem OK, but the day is still young.
Sunday morning breakfast is a bit of a Bean family tradition. ball-and-chain typically makes us all a big yummy meal. It’s the only nice breakfast that we enjoy as a family, since during the week we’re all running off to school or work at different hours and eating something quick, and Saturday morning we just have a little snack before heading off to Synagogue (and a huge Saturday lunch thereafter). So Sunday morning as the kids congregate in their pajamas in front of cartoons, ball-and-chain usually makes a big stack of pancakes. Today half were blueberry and half were chocolate chip. Yum! Sunday breakfast is just another of myriad reasons why ball-and-chain is Supreme Empress of Domesticity.
Now bear with me through a brief but necessary tangent. I have a somewhat peculiar dietary quirk. I really crave protein. A meal just with starch may taste yummy but will leave me just as hungry as before. Spaghetti with marinara sauce without either a mountain of cheese or some meatballs is for me a punishment or at least a snack until I can get a burger. (Are other people like this? Is it a male thing?) So the hard-working ball-and-chain typically fries me an egg to enjoy with my Sunday morning stack o’ pancakes. On aforementioned egg I usually dump a little salsa or ketchup. Today, we didn’t have salsa, so ketchup it was. Thus ends the tangent. Thanks for reading it.
So let me set the table for you, as it were. At the center was a plate with a mountain of pancakes. Each Bean had a plate with some pancakes, the youngest two precut to accommodate their under-developed motor skills. Next to the central pancake plate was a plastic jug of maple syrup, and in front of my plate a plastic bottle of ketchup. So I eat my ketchupy egg and start working through the pancakes. Various children are yelling about various injustices done to them and ball-and-chain and I alternate a few seconds of eating with a few seconds of appeasing and dealing with the little ones. As I slap my fourth or fifth pancake on my plate I think to myself “Self, I think I may need a second egg today. I should make it myself since ball-and-chain is dealing with the kids.” Then I reach for the syrup and one of the kids starts yelling that another of the kids is in the way so she can’t see the TV and I think at the same time (1) “mmmm….. that second egg with ketchup will be soooo goooood” and (2) “how many of the kids could we sell to medical experiments in India?”. So I’m absent-mindedly squeezing an inverted plastic container over my pancake when ball-and-chain starts laughing at me uproariously.
I put ketchup on my pancake.
I put an egg over that. It was good.
(If you’re really bored there’s another yucky food post.)
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Dude, ketchup is NOT good condiment.
May I suggest a high quality garlic pepper sauce (Pepper Tree makes a good one) or even a mild Tabasco (green or smoked-chipotle will give you the flavor without the burn)?
May I suggest a high quality garlic pepper sauce (Pepper Tree makes a good one) or even a mild Tabasco (green or smoked-chipotle will give you the flavor without the burn)?
Nomad: I appreciate your condiment suggestions. Again, I usually use salsa. The salsa container would have been much less likely to be mistaken for the syrup bottle. I don't think I would have accidentally put salsa on my pancake, but you never know.
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