Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Israeli Prime Minister Critically Ill after Massive Stroke
Four doctors at Hadassah Ein Karem Hospital in Jerusalem are fighting to save the life of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon after he suffered a massive stroke late Wednesday, which caused extensive cerebral hemorrhaging.Though obviously I have no inside information, judging by the media reports, his condition seems quite grave.
As of 4 a.m., more than four hours after it began, the surgery at Hadassah Ein Karem Hospital in Jerusalem was still in progress. The main part of the operation, in which the blood is drained from the brain, has ended.
A short while after 1 a.m., Sharon's personal physician, Dr. Shlomo Segev told reporters, "The prime minister is in surgery; the surgery is going as planned. We need to be patient. I have nothing else to add."
Since Sharon is not conscious after suffering from what doctors termed "a serious stroke," his powers and prerogatives were transferred to his deputy, Finance Minister Ehud Olmert.In the next few days there will be much political intrigue and speculation and maneuvering as the future of the Prime Minister, his new Kadima party and the government hang in the balance. But now is not the time for that. I firmly believe that politics stop at hospital doors. Now is the time to pray for Sharon's life and recovery.
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I read the story. I'm very sorry for him, and also for Israel. From the sound of it he won't be back.
It also sounds like Bibi is waiting in the wings. This could get very interesting, very soon.
I'm almost at the point where the exclusions from my prayer list are fewer than the inclusions.
It also sounds like Bibi is waiting in the wings. This could get very interesting, very soon.
I'm almost at the point where the exclusions from my prayer list are fewer than the inclusions.
Wanderer, Irina, Stacey & Og: Thanks for your comments. Though obviously I only know what I'm hearing in the media, it sounds like his condition is quite grave. I would be surprised if he survives. I hope I'm wrong.
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