Friday, June 03, 2005
The Survival Kit
Many years from now, when I install a bomb shelter in my backyard, I think I'll pack a little Diversity Kit of my own. Only I'll call it a Survival Kit because (A) its purpose is to help me and my loved ones survive a state of emergency, and (B) under such circumstances I won't give a crap about diversity.
Bandages, gauze - To remind you to stop bleeding if you are cut by broken glass, flying debris, or an especially insensitive remark.
Assorted ointments and medicines - To remind you that untreated infections can cause severe pain and permanent disability, and lower your self esteem.
One week of fresh food and water - To remind you that hunger and thirst can really hurt your feelings.
Swiss Army knife, flashlight, compass, radio, extra batteries, matches, plastic sheets, bleach, duct tape, eating utensils - To remind you of the rich diversity between yourself and a caveman.
20 Gauge shotgun and a good supply of ammo - To remind you that, under extreme conditions, some people need an advanced course in sensitivity.
$25,000 in 1-oz. gold coins - To remind you that paper currency is only as good as the government that backs it.
The Holy Bible - To remind you to love the Lord and keep His Word.