Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Movie Review – Hitch
Not long after having kids, ball-and-chain and I realized that we needed date night. Date night was a planned scheduled evening when we got a baby sitter and went out of the house for the evening, sometimes just dinner, sometimes a movie, sometimes both -- nothing fancy, just an opportunity to have a grown-up conversation without shrieking children around. It turns out that once we had reproduced, it was very easy to go for months without being able to discuss anything except the kids. It also turns out that women need conversation, and that they develop a certainty that something is horribly amiss if they haven't had a good talk in a while. It's a similar feeling to what men have if their meal is delayed by an hour or two. So for many years, every Tuesday night in the Bean home was date night, and it was good. Then, fourteen months ago when we had our littlest Bean, date night was temporarily suspended.
Until tonight. We finally managed to reorganize our lives enough to get out for the evening, a fairly major achievement.
We saw Hitch. It's a very sweet romantic comedy. It has something for everyone, lots of laughs, lots of physical comedy, and lots of heart.
Get a babysitter, and see it with the person you should be spending more time with.
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By the way, who is Godby and doe he ever post? I saw a name on your list, but I don't think I've ever encountered a post by that person. I'm mystified! : )
I guess to extend the Coffeehouse metaphor, Godby is the work-study program employee who never shows up but who we can't fire because of labor regulations and 'cause we all like him.
Godby: All that sounds horrible. I blog to avoid doing all of that. We really need to work on your priorities.
Brent: Welcome. Thank you.
I checked out your blog. A Dennis Prager and Mona Charen fan!
[sobbing uncontrollably] I love you, man!
Ahem. Sorry. I mean, uh, I hope you come back and, uh, comment again.
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I checked out your blog. A Dennis Prager and Mona Charen fan!
[sobbing uncontrollably] I love you, man!
Ahem. Sorry. I mean, uh, I hope you come back and, uh, comment again.
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