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Miscellaneous thoughts and ramblings
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Confessions of a Hollywood Republican
Screenwriter Robert Avrech on his experiences. A sample, riffing on the idea that he hid his political views for fear of being denied work:

I'm a Republican. A heretofore secret Hollywood Republican. I know men and women who are heavy drug addicts and they have no problem finding employment in Hollywood. I know men and women who are gambling addicts and they work pretty regularly. There's even a director who was arrested for child molestation and yet was hired by Disney - yes, Disney - to helm a picture, and people defended this decision by saying even child molesters have a right to work. I would bet my bottom dollar that all these people are on the correct side of the political spectrum. They are liberal democrats.

He also says he goes to the shooting range with several members of his shul regularly. Bean - might be time to change synagogue affiliations (or at least become an associate member....).
I read this a while ago. In a time when I'm told I can't require a high school degree for employment (dropouts are statistically minority, so this requirement is racist), I can't believe there isn't some kind of lawsuit.

You know, good for goose good for gander.

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