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Miscellaneous thoughts and ramblings
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Manhattan restaurant hosts nudist night
Hey, that's not a sausage!!!!!

Here's a sample:

" 'It's exciting to be in a restaurant nude,' said George Keyes, 65, a retired junior high school English teacher."

Hopefully not too exciting, Georgie.

And that's not even the scariest line. Warning: not for the queasy or easily-shocked.
Ew, who would want to get naked with those old people! : 8
Ordover’s wife, Carol, said they first went on a naturist holiday five years ago and she found the experience empowering. But, she explained, it’s “the least sexual thing you can possibly imagine.”That sounds about right. I look pretty much like an Ewok under the nice white shirt and tie and anyone watching me dig into steak and potatoes in my birthday suit would be thinking of reaching for her tranquilizer dart gun, not of romance.
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