Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Keeping Neo-Nazi New
Here are two disturbing stories that are separated by two weeks, happen on different continents, and are interestingly connected by an ideology of hate.
The first is a picture of the Palestinian security forces training on February 1 in the West Bank. Remember, these are the proud, disciplined soldiers who, under the leadership of the newly-elected Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas, are going to crack down on the “militants” in Hamas and thus bring about a warm and fuzzy peace.
So, you’re the officer training these Palestinians and you’re thinking to yourself “We need a sharp, professional salute. We don’t want to blend in with every other ‘security force’. We want some panache. We need a salute that says ‘We like to murder Jews, and we’ve never won a war.’ I have an idea!”

The second story is from Dresden, Germany. Two days ago was the 60th anniversary of the allied fire-bombing of Dresden. In about two days allied bombers burned the city down, killing over 35,000 Germans, mostly civilians. I frequently use this as an example of the horror that must be inflicted on an enemy in order to win a war, and as an example that the ultimate target is psychological -- the enemy’s willingness to fight. The people of Dresden had a peaceful ceremony to remember those who died, but a band of Neo-Nazis with torches and black flags marched during the ceremony to denounce the “bombing Holocaust” and say some nice things about Hitler. Fortunately, it sounds like the vast majority of the people at the ceremony were vocally against these goons, either because they recognize evil when they see it, or because they know we can burn the city down again.

(Hat tip LGF and Israellycool.)
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That day came on VE day when Germany surrendered. These people will stay marginalized and irrelevent. They'll never be important enough to have a day of reckoning. The Palestinians are another matter...
...But a similar treatment to the "militants" and EVERYONE who supports them, overtly or covertly, would probably help!
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